Gary A. Anuez, is a Cuban American artist and educator with
a strong background in Drawing and Sculpture. He studied in The
Cuban National Academy of Arts and the Internationally
recognized, Institute of Art in Havana, Cuba.
Photography was his way of adjusting to the quickly developing
world around him, but mostly in the city he lives in Miami,
This has helped him to find different approaches when it came
to introducing his students to different and diverse possibilities of
visual communications.
He mostly find his subjects in between landscapes and cityscapes
The subject of many of his photographs can be found in the
cityscapes as well as the wildlife areas that can be found around
Florida. The history of the old Florida towns, the Spanish influence,
and the main source of European history that defines the region
together with the natives regions provides one of the riches
experiences South of United States of America.
In his own words…
“Photography is that unique experience of walking in this world
connected through a lent without the distraction from the vanities
of the mind observing the constant fluidity of poetry that universe
offers to us. Walking through the streets, detailing the
architecture of everything, nature, observing from afar,
(which is nothing more than another way of looking from
the inside), people, the movement of life that translates
into a play of light and shadows.”
Being one with the geometry of things.
Gary A. Anuez/ May 2022
Gary A. Añuez.
Island of youth. Cuba. July 29, 1968.
Education and Credentials
National Academy of Art, Havana Cuba. (E.N.A)
Instituto Superior de Arte, University of the Arts,
Havana, Cuba. (ISA) Certified Art Teacher State of Florida.. Miami Florida.
Core Competencies
Founder of B.W Art Studio. President.
Co- Founder Miami Lakes Art Academy
Current Art Teacher at MLK-8 Center, Miami FloridaSelected Collective Exhibition.
2022 -A Play of Light, Color & Shadow-12 Photographers, 12 Visions
12 Photographers, 12 Visions2021-Fine Arts on the Plate, at the Sidney Berne & Davis Art Center.
2020-Fine Arts on the Plate, Kendall Art Center. 2020
2012- Art, social, media and the evolution of the global network. Wyndwood, Miami Florid
2007 Contemporary Latin American Artists. Broward, Community College. Florida
2003 Art and Poetry, Art Center. Miami, Florida
Spring International Exhibition, Latin American Art Museum, Miami, Florida2002 Spring International Exhibition, American Art Museum, Miami, Florida
1998- 2000 ChóRum. Atelier Expo 3éme Saison D’ Art Contemporain., Martinique, France
Artistas sobre la muerte, Gallery 23 y 12, Havana, Cuba.1996-1997 Cuba “Art Contemporain”, Martinique, France
Festival Indigo. “Las artes Plásticas del Caribe”, Guadeloupe, France
Salón “Las Puertas”. Palacio de las Convenciones, Expositor y Curador. Havana, Cuba
“Salón 13 de Marzo”, Gallery, “Sala Talía”. Havana, Cuba
“Reflexionemos SI DA”., Casa Benito Juarez. Havana, Cuba, Supported by UNESCO.1994-1995 Salón de Artes Plásticas., I.S.A, Cuba
“Escultura Cubana”, Gallery Villa Panamericana, Havana Biennial, Havana, Cuba.
“No valen Guayabas Verdes”, Gallery I.S. A, Havana Biennial,, Cuba.1990-1992 “Salón Municipal de Dibujo“, Gallery of Universal Art , Cuba
“Escultura Cubana de los 90”, Museum Máximo Gomez, Havana Biennial,, Havana, Cuba.
“Si Tin Tiene Tin Vale”, Gallery I.S.A, Havana Biennial,, Cuba
“Interiores“, Centro de Desarrollo de las Artes Visuales, Havana Biennial,, Havana, Cuba.
“Salón de Escultura Pequeño Formato ”, Las Tunas, Cuba.1987-1988 “Salón Municipal de Artes Plásticas, Gallery of Universal Arts, Cuba.
“Jóvenes Escultores”, International Symposium of Sculpture, Baconao, Cuba.
“Ceramic Art Fair, Gerona, Cuba
“Exposición Colateral”, E N A P, Havana Biennial, Cuba.1983-1985 (Colectiva) Estudiantes de la E.N.A.P, Havana, Cuba.
(Nacional) Escuelas de Arte, Gallery 23 y 12, Havana, Cuba.
Solo Exhibitions.1998 “Obras Recientes”. 1988 Taller de Serigrafia , Rene Portocarrero, Havana, Cuba
1997 ““Quod Nutrit Extinguit”Gran Teatro de la Habana, Havana, CubA
1988. Ereniyo. Gallery at National Academy of At Havana, Cuba
1988. News about the white space. International Art gallery, Island of Youth, Cuba.
“Spring International Exhibition” Latin American Art museum- Honorable Mention, Miami, Florida 2003.
“Salón Nacional de Escultura Pequeño Formato” Honorable Mention. Las Tunas, Cuba 1990.Private Collections
Guadeloupe, France, Spain, German. Barbados, Mexico, USA, Aruba, and Argentina.